Thoughts To Ponder
When Betty Eadie was 31, she died in a hospital after undergoing surgery. What happened next has been called by some, "the most profound near-death experience ever." Betty journeyed to a beautiful world beyond this life. She met Jesus there. Jesus gave her a message to give to others when she returned. These quotes from her books, Embraced By The Light, The Awakening Heart, and The Ripple Effect give a glimpse of her profound experience. Part XVIII
“We are like babies crawling around, trying to learn how to use the forces within us. They are powerful forces and are governed by laws that will protect us from ourselves. But as we grow and seek the positive all around us, even the laws themselves will be revealed. We will be given all that we are prepared to receive.”
“It is our desires, not the wording or form we use, that provides the energy that makes our prayers effective. Without a desire to connect with God, our prayers become hollow and meaningless. But with true desire, our prayers not only ascend to heaven, but they nurture us well.”
“Our passion is the energy through which we serve our purpose. When we serve our purpose, we feel our passion. By following our passion, we will tap into the energy God gives us to serve our purpose."
“Nothing comes between us and God's love except what we place there. Our self-righteousness and judgmental attitudes often mask the obstacles we've created that block us from God's love.”
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