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Those Who Purveyors of Fear - Warn of Us Things to Come

With all the conspiracy theorists out there claiming that the Military caused Hurricane Katrina and the Bush Administration orchestrated 911 and that we were all going to die during the New Year's celebration of Y2K, well you have to wonder how we even got this far to begin with?

And if that is not enough there are people running around talking about the New World Order, HIV/AIDS in the US, World Population downsizing and monetary manipulations and allocation of Research Monies to cause evil. Yes and even with all these theories we are merely warming up.

Well, you will have to excuse my inability to buy into Doom and Gloom, conspiracy theories, etc. I have lived a long time. Indeed, I have studied some history and just laugh like hell at all these humans running around consulting with Chicken Little, with their pants on fire and the podium pushers who pick up that ball and run with it. If the whole world becomes chaos, there will be plenty of opportunity for those who study the game.

What is going to cause a huge change? Are you talking about this Global Warming Theory? Monetary Collapse? Asteroid hitting the Earth? Severe Droughts? Plagues and Disease? Or are you just trying to scare everyone using a combo affect of all these fine convenient concepts?

Wake up people and ditch these scare tactics. FEAR is over rated. There is nothing to fear really. Fear depletes essential vitamins in the body and causes stress. Look in your mirror do you fear what you see? If not, do not worry about it.