How Stress Management Products And Services Help With Self Improvement
There is a link between stress and self improvement. Positive stress can provide a catalyst for personal change. However, negative stress can block us from moving forward in life. It can paralyze us and enough of it, over time, can destroy our self-esteem and entrench limiting self-beliefs. Therefore, managing stress is an essential first step in undertaking any self improvement program.
There are five specific stress management products and services available that can support our self improvement. These are:
1. MEDITATION cassettes and CDs. Meditation lowers the heart rate and brain wave activity and can be very healing. It relieves stress and calms internal chatter allowing you to be free for even a little while of harmful, negative self talk. This will allow you the opportunity to replace these beliefs with new positive ones.
2. SELF-HYPNOSIS. Self-hypnosis is an effective method of reprogramming the mind with positive, helpful beliefs which will help you to achieve your goals and create a better life. They can be effective in programming new beliefs that help you to quit smoking, lose weight, concentrate, increase creativity etc.
3. HYPNOSIS. If you would rather rely on a professional practitioner instead of trying self-hypnosis, there are many qualified hypnotherapists who use hypnosis to assist clients to manage stress and overcome challenges. Make sure your practitioner is registered by a reputable organization and has professional qualifications.
4. TEACHING. There are many teaching cassettes, CDs and DVDs available which teach strategies to minimize the impact of negative stress. Managing time, learning when to say yes and when to say no and using anchors to quickly change your emotional states all help to minimize stress.
5. NATURAL THERAPIES. Herbs can be used to help with stress management. Chamomile, valerian and St John’s Wort are all popular herbal remedies for stress. Withania is a very effect stress relief herb, but is usually only prescribed by qualified herbalists. Energy therapies can also be very effective stress management tools. Kinesiology, for example, uses muscle testing to identify energy blockages and limiting beliefs and assists in the release of old negative energy and stress. Bach flowers are remedies that work on an emotional level and as such are also excellent stress management products.
6. COUNSELING/COACHING. Counselors and coaches can provide one-on-one help to help you manage the stress in your life and achieve your goals. They teach skills and strategies for coping, direct you to appropriate reading material and monitor results. They also provide the opportunity for you to be accountable which reduces the likelihood of procrastination and avoidance. A good counselor or coach will often also act as a mentor and encourage you in the pursuit of your goals.
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