How To Know If You're Living Your Life On Purpose With Passion - 11 Key Signs
What are the signs that you're on the right track and on the way to, or actually already living your life with true purpose, real meaning and passion, and fulfilling your true potential? You'll know when –
1. You're totally obsessed with what you're doing – time just flies by and you're on a 'high' when you're doing your 'thing' you love. To you it's not 'work' at all because you're enjoying every moment and spending your time doing exactly what excites and makes you happy. It's what gets you 'springing' out of bed in the morning, and when you're away from it, you can't wait to get back to it …
2. You're totally hyper focused and in a trance-like state when you're doing what you love. You feel like you've been transported elsewhere, and your immunity to distraction is on 'high'. Often you may not hear people around you speaking to you, and only realize when you find yourself being roused and brought back to the sound of the words "Are you listening to me? Hey, did you hear what I just said?"...
3. You've got a strong underlying Belief, all the while, that this IS definitely what you're meant to do …
4. You keep a strong clear Vision afloat all the time of where you want to get to - even when you're dog tired and exhausted, events and circumstances aren't flowing, things seem to not be going your way, and people are against you ...
5. You just keep going when the going gets tough, and keep getting up and on with it …
6. You surprise even yourself at your unfailing persistence to keep going and you feel propelled by this inner life force that is driving you ...
7. Despite the hurdles, trials, tribulations and frustrations, you look back with a smile and know that you've really enjoyed the experience anyway. You know deep down inside that you're going somewhere worthwhile and what you're doing has meaning and purpose ...
8. Things just seem to fall into place easily and just happen 'serendipitously' - people appear, telephone calls come, offers of support and guidance present, new relevant resources are introduced to you. You stop for a moment and you're in the right mindset to see the flow of what's happening and you smile and muse with sincere pleasing satisfaction …
9. You see that what you do makes a real difference in the lives of others beyond what you imagined. You give real value. Their feedback says it all and you're constantly amazed with great humility …
10. Sometimes you have a clear vision of what you want, but the pathway there isn't always clear. As chapters unfold and phases roll out and define themselves, ones you didn't even expect, you stay open to guidance …
This one is a bit tougher –
11. You trust and you're never disappointed with the outcomes and where you find yourself going. Even if your passion or purpose is a bit off the acceptable 'mainstream' track and you're not sure exactly where you'll end up, you go for it anyway with perseverance and patience. Even if you don't know exactly where your hunches and intuitions are leading. You're fascinated by the journey and your faith seems to balance out the odds even when it seems you're going against all the odds.
I came across this great quote three times recently (3 times - aha! – that’s a sign!) – "If you follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. When you can see that, you begin to meet people who are in your field of bliss, and they open doors to you. I say, follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be." (Joseph Campbell)
Doesn't it make sense that if you LOVE what you're doing, you'll do it more often, more easily, and keep getting better at it? When you do so, the value you give to others will grow amazingly and exponentially.
In a business context, your perceived value to your customers, clients or subscribers will increase naturally.
So the key is to start doing what you love now. Take action! Make yourself immune to distraction! Get on track and be committed …
Sure, it might not result in a successful or even million dollar business overnight, but over the course of time, it's entirely possible, and it's happening all the time. If others can do it, so can you!
There will be nothing more satisfying than turning your calling, purpose and passion into a rewarding and prosperous business or career venture that you love doing, every single day, and to live the life you were meant to live.
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