Is Today The Day You Take Action?
“You will either step forward into Growth, or you will step back into Safety.”~ Abraham Maslow ~
As the year quickly moves forward, this could turn out to be just another day, week and month that passes by, or it could be the beginning of something new. Take a look at your life. Overall, how is it going? Would you describe your life as a joyous, passionate expression of self? Are you living your most abundant, peaceful, loving life? Everyone of us carries within an idea, a dream, or a desire. Taking action on these desires is how excitement unfolds. Yet so often these dreams are dismissed or put on the cold back burner. Will today be another day that passes by without taking action on your dream?
Question:“What could I do differently today that would effect my life?”
What to Do?We generally have some sort of an idea of what we would wish to create within our lives. Yet we also sense the enormity of all that it would take to change the status quo. The task ahead seems huge and unmanageable. All the familiar feelings of procrastination, doubt, and overwhelm rise to the surface to protect the known comfort of what is. It seems much easier to remain in the safety of what is known and familiar. And yet the desire to create change continues to exist. How do any of us get past the plateau that we sit on?
Take a Small Step“What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step. It is always the same step, but you have to take it.” Antoine De Saint-Exupery ( 1900-1944, French Aviator, Writer)
In the end, as adults, no one can save us but ourselves. We own, and are responsible, for our own lives and happiness. To get what we want out of life, it helps to know what it is that we want. We need to know what we dream of. Close your eyes and be willing to take a look at the big picture. What is it you want? For example:
Be at peace with food and your body
Weigh a certain amount _________
Write a book
Begin a new business
Now step back from the big picture and find what steps you can do now, today, to make your dream come true. What are five small, achievable steps you can take today to move forward with this dream? For example:
1. Write down my desire.
2. Create a simple picture board illustrating my desire.
3. Take five minutes to imagine myself joyfully living my desire.
4. Create a daily action list to help create different habits.
5. Feel joy in the recognition that I took these steps today.
Question:Will today be the day I gently push aside all of my excuses, and take tangible action on my personal desires?
Helping people let go of self-destructive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors has been the life work of Dr. Annette Colby. Her fascination with the power of the mind, emotions, spirituality, and physicality has led her to become a leader in the field of personal growth and consciousness. She is a valued counselor, and an inspiring teacher, as well as an independent writer, mentor, and guide. She is a highly sought-after trainer with a unique ability to inform and inspire individuals to open their hearts, love more openly, and pursue their dreams.
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