Beyond Reflections
In the old paradigm, we have been taught that we are reflections of each other. We were taught that everyone that comes into our lives reflects aspects of ourselves. Therefore, what we like and don’t like about a person is what we like and don’t like about ourselves. This paradigm of consciousness places a tremendous amount of responsibility or burden on each others shoulders. In this reflective consciousness, it maintains a continuous loop of looking outside of ourselves for where we are in life. If this reality of consciousness continues, then how can we ever get to know ourselves from the inside out if we are always looking to the other people as reflections of our answers?
In order to shift this reality, we must become the observer of ourselves. As the observers, instead of the participants, we can begin to view the emotional involvements in our relationships. From the observer arena, we can see how we connect to each other and how we evolve, or not, through our relationships. From this standpoint of detached observers, the burden and responsibility of having to be each others reflections are released.
Now, as observers, we can look into the mirror of our lives without the emotional attachments and see our incredible creative abilities. We can stop being victims of each other, we can stop the blame games, and we can stop ineffective repeated patterns in our relationships.
As observers, we empower ourselves to be effective creators. As observers, we don’t have to worry of what others think of us. We don’t have to focus our energy on what others are saying about us, because as the observer of our lives, we can focus our creative abilities in positive, healthy and productive ways. We become more heart based. We become stronger and yet softer at the same time. We let go of reflective control and attachment to each others opinions of who we are or should be.
Now, we take charge of our lives. We free ourselves to do what we all came here to do. We came here to fulfill our purposes…to create our lives consciously. Now it’s time to step off the reflective treadmill and to begin to move forward. Don’t look back at the reflections. They are just old patterns and fears. We have been there and done that. Let’s get out of our minds. Let’s move forward and create our lives through our hearts.
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