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Ditch Your Expectations and Change Your Life!

Expectations are the Blame Game. One of the biggest temptations in expectations is to point fingers. You can identify playing the Blame Game when you have ‘should’ in a sentence when you think of what others ‘should’ do or say.

*Name a situation that concerns you or is a big issue to you. What are you expecting from yourself and what are you expecting from others?

Write down what you should have done and what the other people involved should have done.

So if only they had done as they should have all would be right? Is that true? Were they in on this deal arrangement or are you the only one that knows what you expected of them?

Expectations will always build evidence for you and against others. Is there someone in your life that is disappointing you? Someone not living up to your expectations? How are you proving them wrong and making yourself right?

Identifying our expectations can be the solution to many communication problems. Claim to not have any expectations of yourself or others? Every time you feel disappointed, it is a result of having an expectation. We all have them, the key is to be aware of them and remove them.

For the next week, write down every time you think or say, “I can’t, should, if only, supposed to,” towards yourself or others. This will help you notice how often you are in expectation. Eliminating expectation will remove the disappointment in your life.


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