10 Steps to Healing Emotionaly Painful Trauma & Reactions
Many of us have experienced incidents during our childhood that resulted in a trauma. The results of these unhealed traumatic experiences can take many forms. A simple fear of snakes could be started when your mother got frightened by a snake. A fear of public speaking that leads to panic could have started when you were very embarrassed in school as a young child. The list goes on.
You may have thought that there was nothing you could do about it. Or that it might take hours and hours of expensive therapy to get relief. The truth is, there are very effective ways to engage your own natural healing process. When you learn them, you can resolve a lot of your own issues.
If you have a recurring traumatic or emotional response to any situation or circumstance, this could be your answer. Try the steps in this article. If you need help, you can get it from the authors info at the bottom.
Make a safe space.
First, before you get started you must get yourself to a safe place. It must be quiet and peaceful where you will not be disturbed for at least half an hour. An hour is better. This is a time of healing for you, treat it with the utmost respect. It could be the most important time you have ever spent.
Stop resisting it.
This is an important aspect of why your traumatic problem exists. Resistance causes persistance. You must come to a place where you can say to your pain: "I no longer resist you". When you do this you may experience some emotional response. Don't let this surprise you, allow it to be ok.
Become inquisitive about it.
Adopt an attitude that you are going to pay attention to this problem and learn everything you can about it and from it. This problem is trying to inform you and has a purpose. Find out what that is.
Get objective by asking questions.
The next thing is to start to question your painful feeling. Ask any meaningful questions you can come up with. Here are some suggestions to get you started. What is your purpose for me? How did you start to manifest? When did I first feel this? Who else was involved?
Open up to it with your heart.
Our negative and painful feelings are mostly based in our heart. Therefore it is important to "open up" to the feelings with a heart of caring or compassion. When you can feel the painful feeling, just generate a feeling of compassion towards it and the part of yourself that is feeling it. An attitude of appreciation and understanding will increase effectiveness.
Do a memory scan and association.
Now do a memory scan. Go back in time and touch base briefly with any other times this trauma manifested in your life. As you do this you need to keep the first few steps in mind. Stay compassionate and open. Observe how all the times you felt this are associated or attached. Keep going back in time until you feel you have come to the earliest memory of it.
Find the root and be with it.
When you've scanned the memories of all the times you experienced this traumatic response, again open up to it as one experience. Place your dominant hand on your heart and go to the beginning of the earliest or worst experience. Run through it to the exact moment that is the most intense. Now stay in that place.
Get in your body.
Now make sure you are looking out of your own eyes. You are in your body and feeling the feeling at its worst moment and allowing this to be ok. Your hand is on your heart. Be compassionate. Be caring towards yourself. Keep opening to it.
Allow the energy to flow.
Just begin to coax the energy mass to soften and move where it wants. When the flow begins, keep coaxing it to continue until it is resolved. It may flow anywhere in your body or out. Stay with this step and remember to stay inquisitive, compassionate, and in your body during the very worst moment of the experience and let it flow.
Check your self.
After a while, go back to a memory that would trigger the trauma before and feel the level of intensity. Is it gone? Is it much lower? Is it just a little better? If you need to, you can go through the process again.
Learning this natural healing process will change your life significantly. Each time you work with an issue, you take another step towards wholeness. Don't give up too easily, because the benefits are well worth the effort. If you feel like you need help in learning this process follow the links in the authors bio.
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