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Anchoring a Habit

I was reading an article written by Gleb Reys ‘Creative habit naming' and I thought it was a great idea. It got me thinking about how else we could develop habits so that they don't become a chore for us.

If we anchor a habit to another habit this would increase out chances of developing the new habit. I never really gave it much thought but I have been doing this unconsciously for a number of months.

I have been practicing the law of attraction and part of this involves thinking about my intentions every day and I also think about what I am grateful for every day. When I get up in the morning I go downstairs and turn on the computer. Now my computer being quite old, it takes about 7 minutes to boot and load up all the software etc so I use those 7 minutes to internalize everything I am grateful for in life: My wife, my kids, our health, our love for each other, my job etc and then I go on to visualize my intentions for my life, and I have around 20 at the moment.

I turn my computer on every single morning which is the habit and I now practice my gratitude and intentions which is anchoring the habit to an existing one.