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What You Need To Know About Panic Attacks And Hyperthyroidism?

Even the most emotionally stoic individuals can get nervous after they experience symptoms resulting from certain medical conditions.

Hyperthyroidism is one such condition that can easily lead to a panic like state. It is basically an overactive thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is found in the lower part of the neck. The hormone that controls the thyroid gland is produced in the pituitary gland. In hyperthyroidism, this control malfunctions and the thyroid gland, which is charged with the production of the hormone thyroxine, goes into overdrive and starts producing too much of it. When there is excessive thyroxine in the human body it causes a general increase in the rate at which chemical reactions take place inside. When this happens, physical symptoms like shaking, anxiety, palpitations, breathlessness, and perspiration will occur. It is quite normal for the patients to feel that they are experiencing a panic attack.

There are other symptoms that make it quite easy to diagnose hyperthyroidism. These include increased appetite combined with weight loss, thinning hair, constant tension, and an uncontrollable desire to stay in motion despite feeling very tired and exhausted. Another indication comes from the fact that unlike a panic attack, wherein a person feels cold, a person with a hyperactive thyroid gland will feel hot. If symptoms like these are witnessed, the normal procedure is to undergo a screening for the thyroid activity.

Treatment for hyperthyroidism can follow on of three paths. The most common method is to administer a radioactive iodine mixture that helps to control the behavior of the thyroid gland. If that does not work then anti-thyroid medication will be prescribed. In case the thyroid gland does not respond to either then it might need to be partially or completely removed through surgery.