Talking Sense - Tools for Effective Communication
According to a Mexican journal, "The secret of a good talker is that he stops talking before the others stop listening." Good talkers need not be good listeners and vice versa. With a natural ability to talk and a way with scintillating words, some people are the right candidates for a party, a meeting, a seminar or a conference.
It makes it easy for the other, not-so-good talkers to comfortably lend them their ears and pitch in a few words, when required.
These are the kind of people who have difficulty in expressing themselves and are forever fumbling for words. The good conversationalist then becomes a boon to them. But, at the same time, they should talk only as long as others find their conversation interesting.
Conversation, as a form of art, has been discussed for ages, but very few of us actually follow the norms to perfection while conversing.
It is very important that the basic rules of conduct are not forgotten while conversing with a close friend, an acquaintance or even a stranger, since it often results in hurting their feelings. Conversation, in itself, mirrors the true image of the conversationalist and truly portrays his or her behavioural traits and well-developed character.
Good conversation is also a stepping stone to greater friendships since a sensitive and attentive conversationalist is admired and appreciated by one and all.
When meeting an acquaintance or friend after a long time, it is important to first enquire about the other's well-being to show concern and courtesy. Once the initial formalities are over, should the talk proceed to other matters.
When meeting someone for the very first time, once the introductions are over, it is important that the conversation be kept to the very minimum and on an extremely general note. It could vary from politics and job opportunities to the weather and equally mundane subjects. Only if you feel that the person you are talking to seems genuinely interested in carrying on a conversation, should the friendship be carried further.
Do not expose your inner self completely during the first few meetings, and allow time for both of you to know each other better, before a friendship blossoms. Sometimes, even people of diverse and varied interests find gratification in befriending each other if common courtesies are met.
During the course of a conversation, it is essential that we listen carefully to what the person is trying to convey to us. Good etiquette demands that we are attentive and do not show disinterest by interrupting or by talking about our own experiences.
Never deviate or switch over to another subject in an abrupt manner as it may hurt the other's feelings and also show disregard. You may lose a good friend by your casual approach.
During a party or a get-together, if you happen to be placed next to an unknown person, you may break the ice by introducing yourself, which will in all probability, be reciprocated by him or her.
The flow of conversation can then be directed the wonderful time everyone seems to be having and the great hospitality of the hosts. Do not unnecessarily goad your partner to talk if he or she seems unwilling to do so, since that person may not be as sociable as you are. You may begin with small talk and let the other take the cue from there.
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