Get a Real Job? No Thanks
A few years ago I had returned home for a few days between a couple of my trips, and during the family supper my older brother asked, “When are you going to settle down and get a real job, and stop traveling around.” My mother insisted that my brother leave me alone and let me enjoy my time home. My thoughts were, and still are, don’t feel bad for me, if you are going to feel bad for anyone feel bad for my older brother who thinks laboring to fulfill someone else’s plan is the right way.
""If you don't set goals for yourself, you are doomed to work to achieve the goals of someone else."" - Brian Tracy
This weekend my Mercedes will arrive, I make almost half my brother’s income on investment income alone, my work makes a difference, I decide when to work which allows me to be a half-time stay at home Dad, I still travel to foreign countries at least three times a year, and most importantly I think life is a pretty darn interesting event. Did you know there are people who say they don’t even know what they would like to do? I was talking with a young lady yesterday who hates her job and wants to quit, but has no idea what she wants to do. I was telling her how I make a decent portion of my income with my websites and how I only sell items I like, which makes work fun. She said she had no idea what she likes, so she couldn’t do that. Come on people, life isn’t meant to be a big struggle.
The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind. -- Wayne Dyer
There has never been an easier time than now to live an enjoyable life. James Allen's most famous essay ""As a Man Thinketh"" rings with the same truth almost 100 years later as it did the day it was written, because the truth remains... we can attract the life we want using the power of positive thinking. Once you get the positive thinking going, endless ideas and opportunities start flowing your way.
I’m not sure where you are in life. Whether you are completely content or on the verge of collapse, but I can tell you this… “Life can be a whole lot sweeter if you make plans and then nurture them.” If you are feeling nudges, hear an inner voice, or are seeing clues that you may not be on the right path…stop and ask for directions. There are many coaches, myself included, who would love to help you find your true calling.
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