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Imus - Victims, Survivors and Bottom Feeders


From Victim To Victorious – How To Become An Instant Survivor!

A FREE Chapter For You – (See below for directions)

Can you take instant control of your emotional state? Yes, especially if you’ve been victimized.

“I didn’t realize how much of my life has been lived as a victim and controlled by others. I had no idea that I could take control of my life so easily. Thank you!”

That was one of the nicer complements I’ve had on my book, “How To Take No For An Answer And Still Succeed.”

We can be victimized by many things; childhood abuse, accidents, illnesses, insults, etc. Some people unknowingly hang on to their victim hood and it can take over all or a part or all of their lives.

The Don Imus Incident

The Don Imus incident and all the attention that erupted is an example of this.

The Imus insult has been compared to rappers who use the same pejoratives as he used in his rand about the Rutgers women’s basketball team. And while much of the themes and lyrics of that kind of music (rap crap) disgusting, Imus directed his comments at a specific group, a team of young women. Women who were excelling, most of whom are black. For that, there was no excuse.

However, the way these young athletes handle this from now on will be instructive. Will they be survivors or victims? There are a lot of people who will profit if they remain victims.

This is a form of modern slavery!

It’s an insidious method of mind control, a mental slavery that is induced through the hypnotic magic of the media and the the grand pontificators who have declared themselves society’s protectors.

By making the most noise and blathering more outrageously than the next one, they are granted their electronic platforms.

From lawyers to the self-appointed leaders of minority groups, they enrich themselves by pushing an agenda of victim hood onto fragile minds who have been harmed by either events or society.

From accidents to Imus, these are the bottom feeders of today’s society. They are the very wealthy bottom feeders!

When one has been damaged, comfort is a great seducer. We can watch these master seducers work their magic right on our television screens. By magnifying the victim they magnify their status as well as their bank accounts.

You Have a Choice

I’m most concerned about the victims our society is creating.

The bottom feeders of our society strengthen and enrich themselves by convincing the victims to burrow in their victimhood. But by simply being aware of this, the victim can instantly change. It’s literally an on the spot decision. Simple? Yes, it is! I want to prove it to you.

That’s why I’m offering the gift of Chapter 7 of “How To Take No For An Answer And Still Succeed.”

This is a subject that I’ve worked with my coaching clients, in seminars and in life. It’s the most important chapter of the book.