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The Most Sincere Speaking Problem Secrets

Dude, there’s a secret I want to reveal to you.

It’s the secret of speaking extremely well.

Or, the secret of curing yourself off speaking problems.

Me personally? Phew, I was once the worst speaking problem victim you’ll ever know in your life.

I isolate myself from people just because I am insecure about speaking.

“What will happen if the person I like, or the person in front of me will LAUGH at me and despise me as I gag upon what words to say in my conversation?”

“No, I’m not willing to risk that chance…I don’t want to be humiliated!”

“I’m supposed to be one of history’s greatest Billionaire, I’m supposed to be able to do what every normal person in this world can DO!”

You know…these were the saddest times I had.

I was strictly insecure of it, and so it happens that when I’m out with friends – I always seem to not be able to be myself.

Anyways, who’s myself?

Who am I?

I can speak at times, smoothly, but when it’s something I’m not good at – I just plain SUCK at it!!!

Can you feel me dude?

But things started to change…

I’ve went on journeys upon journeys, day after day looking up on the Internet reading every book I can purchase on speaking. Confidence. Everything else.

Well – what did I found?

In the end, it was a very special book.

It’s called “The Art of Approaching Women” written by Joseph Matthews.

This man could be the greatest man ever in this world. I give all my life’s deepest gratitude to him, because he taught me the way of life.

Sure, everybody lead a different, unique life. But Joseph Matthews teach people how to live a WINNER’s life.

That was the difference.

As I read his book, “The Art of Approaching” – I felt a tingle in my mind. What have I done wrong in speaking, approaching people, everything, that caused me to have such sucky social strength?

He taught me the way of life, and as I read out loud every each of the words in his book I realized this:

The art of approaching women, in fact, the art of living – is to create GOOD CONNECTION with people.

You don’t have to be someone else when you speak, you don’t have to compare yourself to anyone else as you communicate.

You see, I have to confess about my greatest weakness. I am probably the most self-conscious person you know in disguise. Disguise?

It’s disguise because over the years, I have tried to control myself. However, as my free myself to do what I want my self-consciousness will eventually kick in and ruin my day.

Isn’t it paradoxical?

People say being yourself is the best way, isn’t it?

Being yourself makes you the best person ever in this whole wide world.

But it wasn’t so for me.

Once in a few times, my self-consciousness will still kick in and my insecurities will all arise upon this. As my insecurities jumps in, I’ll have my mind so full of thoughts, so full of sometimes, excuses, so full of hidden agendas it’ll SCREW all my conversation, my speech altogether!

I have no idea what I have to speak…

And if I do… I can’t SAY IT OUT!

Do you feel me dude?

My problem is lifetime.

I’m 18 years old this year, and I’ve been experiencing this since young.

I strive hard to be up in front, and although sometimes I do, sometimes I do REAL well, extremely well, there always will be times where I had to work SO HARD for something others don’t have to.

I only wished I could speak well.

If I could speak well, everything in this world would be much happier for me.

Kinda got out of topic, but anyways this message was typed out without editing. Which is the reason why it may touch on my deepest feelings at times and I wouldn’t hesitate typing it down.

Back in speech…

I used to find lots of ways to speak well.

How do I solve my gagging? How do I stop getting tongue-tied? Why the heck in the world can’t I speak what I want even though I have those words CLEARLY stated in my mind.

God, WHY??

I tried so many ways that if I ever told people what I do – they’d think I’m insane. But I’m sincere in writing this message, so I’ll tell you everything I have in heart and mind.

I’ve tried truly focusing on the lips when talking, thinking: “Let the lips do the talking, your brain will go on its own!” – and results was I get so tongue tied after sometime I had to slap my face hoping that it’d cure.

I’ve also tried truly focusing on the tongue, because everything in the world, in fact BIBLE, say control your tongue when you feel like saying something bad. People scold others by saying, “mind your tongue dude”, that and many other examples. Of course, I tried limiting my tongue.

But for Christ’s sake, do you think you can focus so hard on your tongue when speaking? In an instant I can feel as though the content of my speech sucked so much and sometimes – even STILL gag and getting tongue tied I had to slap myself in the face again hoping that it’d cure.



Keeping cool? Pronouncing words exactly and clearly as it sounds? Putting your tongue further touching the teeth? Backwards it touches the roof of your mouth as you speak? Relaxing everything on my face – including eyes, droop it down? Act like I’m cool? Dude, I’ve tried EVERYTHING. You FEEL me? Sometimes I think I’m just CRAZY.

In the end, lately I discovered something ‘NEW’.

And it may work, but I don’t know.

To make something work, it has got to be a habit.

You can’t think about it all the time.

And this new way I discovered was moving my lower jaw more often down while speaking – causing someone to sound as though he talks like a British.

Exaggeration in speech, that’s the idea.

And it helped a bit. Much better than any possible ways known to man.

At least, me.

Next, I want you from now on, BREATHE IN through your nose everytime before you speak. DO that until you have the habit of DOING SO naturally.

You see, a normal person or professional wouldn’t teach you this, because it’s just plain insane to have such sort of a problem.

But the reality is, there ARE people like this in the world.

I am one of them. One of have severe speech problems and have no solutions to it.

Well, that’s me, Mr Healy and my speech problem, added up with this maybe, minor secret that can help in your life.

I’m writing this message not as a lesson actually, but just an expression of my feelings thinking someone on the other side may get to read it. In real life you’d see me as a very normal, perhaps distinct and special individual. Every word that has been written in this message is out of the flow of my subconscious without editing, so if it offended you please forgive me.

Perhaps some day someone would be able to FULLY solve my greatest, deepest speech problem of getting tongue tied although I’m not lacking in any ways.

Either ways, I don’t know. Just hoping that there will and maybe this little secret I share with you today will help you a lot in the future.


Mr Healy