Short Sleeves Insights - Fuel For Thought!
I found a few thoughts I wanted to share today. Each paint a vision of who I am, or who I can be. There is always something special about reading something you already know, it's called remembering, bringing past knowledge into the present moment. It only takes a couple of minutes to change how I feel. Reading thoughts like these, reminds me I'm not alone on my journey, and that it is natural to experience contrast in life, so I can grow from it.
The first thought is from Lao-tzu the "Ancient Boy," written over 2500 years ago.
"Fame or integrity: Which is more important?
Money or happiness: Which is more valuable?
Success or failure: Which is more destructive?
If you look to others for fulfillment, you will never truly be fulfilled.
If your happiness depends on money, you will never be happy with yourself.
Be content with what you have, rejoice in the way things are.
When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you."
The next thought is from Eva Pierrakos who was born in Vienna in 1915. She lectured across the world and her work became known as the "Pathwork." She and her husband John, a psychiatrist, developed a school of therapy known as "Core Energetics." This is one of Eva's works Titled: "Through The Gateway."
"Through the gateway of feeling your weakness lies your strength.
Through the gateway of feeling your pain lies your pleasure and joy.
Through the gateway of feeling your fear lies your security and safety.
Through the gateway of feeling your loneliness lies your capacity to have fulfillment, love and companionship.
Through the gateway of feeling your hate lies your capacity to love.
Through the gateway of feeling your hopelessness lies your true and justified hope.
Through accepting the lacks of your childhood lies your fulfillment now."
The last two thought are from Barbara Ann Brennan, who founded a school of self healing and has written several books on the art of healing yourself. These quotes are from her book, "Light Emerging."
"It's not selfish to love yourself. Rather think of yourself as a cup that can be filled. When your cup runs over, the love spills out to those around us. You must love yourself in order to give love to others."
"The most epidemic health problem we have today is self hatred. The course of self hatred is self betrayal."
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