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Short Sleeves Insights - What Is Body Language?

"There is no such thing as either birth or death. They both are temporary markings having to deal with the illusion that we are each a body. We can mark our bodies as having a birth and a death, but the "I" has never been born and will never die."

Fred Alan Wolf is a PH.D. in theoretical physics and is well known through his teachings, books, movie appearances and speaking engagements. His work in quantum physics is helping us see ourselves with different eyes. The body is a part of the "I" that I use, to travel through time and space.

Birth and death effects us all in some way. Joyous celebration at birth, and somber gatherings at death. It seems we look at the beginning of life as happy and the end as sadness, and everything in between is like the jelly between those slices of bread. It can sweet, fruity, sour, or distasteful depending on my feelings. The journey has many flavors and many colors and are there for me to experience in my own fashion. It is easy to forget how important the body is on my journey. It is my vehicle of matter, in this now.

Today there are many things to assist me in making sure my body works the way it was designed.There are several industries that tell me what to do, what to take, and charge me for those services and products. They fall short in what they can actually do, but I'm willing to pay, because someone told me that was the only solution available. For some, it is the only way and so be it.

I have abused my body on my journey, with my thoughts, especially the thoughts that make it old before its time, thoughts of hatred and judgment. I do the have the ability to make it work much better and a lot longer than I have been taught. But I have to change my thoughts about it, to make that happen. I must realize that I create my wellness. The most powerful drug I can use to keep my body functioning is self-awareness. The greatest stimulants available are laughter and fun. The perfect tune up is peace of mind. They are all available at no charge, free for me to use. Insurance in the true sense of the word. Underwritten by the energy that supplies All There Is, Love.

As Dr. Wolf tells us, we are never born nor do we die, except in body in this reality. My "I" is eternal. Understanding I have the ability to keep my creation healthy, wealthy, safe and running for hundreds of years, is only a thought away. My thought. My reality. My time and space. How do I want to experience myself now?

This is part of my lesson, this is why I am here now, to become aware, and connected to the many aspects of myself. To grow into a grander version of the "I," I am. To love all life, beginning with the body I call Hal. What is body language without a body?