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Change It, Accept It Or Leave - These Are Your Only Three Options

As we move through life each of us is faced with a variety of situations, circumstances, challenges and relationships that test our patience, resolve, commitment and acceptance.
In each of these situations we always have three options, choices and actions we can take. We can attempt to change the person or circumstance, we can accept it or them or we can leave.
You can attempt to change it. Life is filled with people, events and situations that require we reconsider our values, opinions, beliefs or behaviors and can often challenge our philosophy whether it is in our career or personal relationships. During these times when we have difficulty with a corporate policy, a spouse's behavior or a customer's attitudes we can try to influence them to change so that their behavior or the circumstances are more comfortable or acceptable to us.
It is difficult for many people to accept the reality that people do not change because we want them to or believe they need to, but when and if they choose to. So, if you can't change the person or circumstance you are left with your next option, you can learn to accept the circumstance, condition or the person’s behavior or attitudes.
Accepting what you dislike, disagree with or oppose is often difficult if you are not willing to consider the following concepts or issues:
1-People change all the time.
2-You are responsible to people and not for them.
3-You are either living in the past or the future.
4-You have a closed mind.
5-You are stuck in your perceptions, opinions and beliefs and unwilling to change.
6-You believe your "way" is the best or only way.
7-Your ego is so in control of your life that even though you know you are not right, you can't or refuse to accept what you can't change.
This leaves you with your third and final option, you can leave.
Many people move too quickly to this third option when faced with a difficult person or situation. Their patience and/or acceptance quotient is too far too low for a peaceful or harmonious coexistence with life. They leave marriages too soon, jobs too quickly and careers or business when things begin to get a little difficult or out of hand.
I am not suggesting that people remain in destructive relationships forever like working for abusive supervisors indefinitely or that they stay in climates they dislike just to prove they are a martyr. I am suggesting however, that many people rush through the first two options too quickly and find that they have left themselves painted into a corner with only one face?saving choice, to bail out. There are times when leaving is your best choice, given your current set of circumstances and their destructive influence on your self?image, attitudes or life destiny. Only you can decide if you have given yourself and/or the situation or person adequate time for change, or if you have sincerely tried to put your expectations and prejudices aside and truly accept the person or circumstance. There you have it, change it, accept it or leave.


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