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Finding Balanced Truth in Duality

In learning about the Universal Laws and Truths it is important that you find a Balanced Truth.
Balance is the key factor of the Universe and Nature within. Much of what we humans do is characterized by imbalance and runs opposite to the basic plan of Nature.
Balance permits you to see the duality of all things. When you locate your own balance this automatically pushes aside most of your limitations and restrictions.
A good way to acquire balance is to be somewhat skeptical about all that enters your mind. Do not reject what appears, but examine it closely. View it objectively from every possible angle. You should particularly try to review the Universal Law that applies to what you are experiencing or thinking.
It is after this close scrutiny you can arrive at the Truth presented. You might not particularly appreciate the Truth you find, because the tendency is to reject or ignore that which does not suit you.
Balance is rooted in the Law of Opposites. . . laws such as; Truth or Illusion, Spirit or Matter.
Spiritual awareness, in its fullest sense, demands that you observe the two sides of all that exists. Without doing this, you cannot attain the proper perspective.
Does life to you present itself only on the physical material side and not include the spiritual? If so, you are one sided and in a state of imbalance. Likewise, you are imbalanced if you concentrate solely on the spiritual and forget the material side of life.
Life cannot exist as only a part of itself. By denying one aspect of life in favor of another, you reject all of life. You are living an imbalanced life!
Once you realize this, you come to the awareness of duality as being two aspects of One. This shows you that every single item of being is emphasized expressions of one aspect, but contains the potentials of both.
Your aim should be to combine the physical and the spiritual, the outer and the inner, and create the balance which can bring you the solution to living. . . the peace and the development you seek.
Your success in this, of course, depends on the sincere desire and true effort on your part. You will have to stand in the middle of both the spiritual and the physical at the same time and live within the dualities of all our Universal Laws.
Usually this is not easy, because you have been accustomed to placing your mind on one or the other, according to your social traditions and experiences in life.
Finding your balance in the dualities of life requires that you know yourself. By becoming ‘self aware’, you become aware of Truth. It is within your Real Self that will you find the Real Truth.
In Reality, you are both Spirit and Matter. Both are equal in quality and the characteristics of one are in the other.
The balance of materiality and spirituality is a goal for which you should strive to reach. Your life will then reflect the harmony of a balanced existence.
Concentrate on the awareness of your spiritual self and potentials and your role of being human in a physical, tangible world.
When you reach a level of understanding and balance in this awareness your journey in life will be fearless. You will substitute wisdom for fear, harmony for strife, and balance for chaos.
Start now in finding your own path to the inevitable manifestation of Balance in the Dualities of our Universe. In doing this, you will find your own Balanced Truth!


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