Self Esteem: An Essential Ingredient
Self esteem is one of the most essential ingredients for human happiness. Positive self-esteem is important because when we experience it, we feel good about ourselves and are more effective and productive. We also will treat others in a more healthy and loving way. Self-esteem is nourished by others (as well as ourselves) recognizing our goodness and capabilities. When we, as adults, model good self-esteem to children, we are teaching them how to be responsible for their own self-esteem.
Here are suggestions for developing positive self-esteem:
Improve your personal appearance and physical condition. This is one of the fastest ways to build your self confidence.
Stand straight, shoulders back and walk with a relaxed but increased pace.
Set your own standards rather than comparing yourself to others. Your mission is to be the best YOU that you can be.
Respond with a simple “thank you” when given a compliment. Learn to receive positive feedback from others.
Make a list of your good qualities and what you have done that you are proud of.
Give your name first when meeting someone new. By introducing yourself, you develop a habit of giving value to yourself as an individual.
Sit up front in the most prominent rows when you attend meetings.
Use positive, encouraging language when you talk to yourself and to others about yourself. Too many people are their own worst enemy. Build yourself up versus tearing yourself down.
Seek out positive and motivated persons to have as friends and role models. Positive people act as buffers against the negative stress of life. Role models can teach you how to excel faster towards your goals. They also can inspire you with hope that you can achieve what they have achieved.
Smile. Give a smile to everyone you meet.
Set and follow through on personal goal plans. Keep them in mind every day.
Give yourself positive messages daily such as “I can do it” or “I am a worthwhile person”.
Expand your knowledge. Learn all you can in areas of your interest. This can be your career, your marriage, parenting skills and hobbies. Knowledge can be powerful.
Learn to communicate your needs and feelings to others.
It is our responsibility to nurture ourselves. We also need to offer positive messages to others. Developing positive self-esteem will improve the quality of our lives. When we feel good about ourselves, everyone benefits.
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