Thoughts To Ponder - #59
When Betty Eadie was 31, she died in a hospital after undergoing surgery. What happened next has been called by some, "the most profound near-death experience ever." Betty journeyed to a beautiful world beyond this life. She met Jesus there. Jesus gave her a message to give to others when she returned. These quotes from her books, Embraced By The Light, The Awakening Heart, and The Ripple Effect give a glimpse of her profound experience.
“We are all shepherds to some degree. We are all compelled by the spirit to seek his truth and do his will, each in our own way, creating waves that overlap others and resonate within their souls, inviting them to do better, to look to God, to live life to the fullest with joy.”
“I knew that as part of his plan—as part of our growth—God may allow us to go through trials in a sorting-out period, a cleansing, a purification time when we are often forced to make new decisions based upon our current faith and trust in him.”
“How empowering it is to know that we are so blessed, so directed by our Creator, to know that even in our weaknesses he never gives up on us. He encourages us in unending and marvelous ways to find and use our natural strengths for higher purposes, for a higher plan.”
“God is love in its purest form. His love seeks nothing from us and demands nothing of us. His love is unconditionally given to all who believe in him. To be in his presence and share his love, we must become as he is and learn to love without judgments or conditions.”
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