Welcome to Self Improvement

Sandra's Psychic Solutions: Get yourself healthy in mind, body and

FEELING good about yourself enhances every area of your life and can even improve your health.

If you operate from a basis of self-confidence and self - esteem, your relationships with others are happier and your work and life become more fulfilling.

Every one of us is sacred, every man is a god and every woman a goddess.

By working to improve your self -image and self - esteem, you can connect to your inner Higher Self, or Spirit.

This is the special, wonderful part of every human being, the inner power many of us are afraid to tap into. Taking steps to improve your self-esteem can help you connect to this powerful source of LOVE, HEALING and HAPPINESS. 1 - Stop criticizing yourself - we live in a culture obsessed with perfection, and put ourselves down for every little imagined shortcoming. Treat yourself the way you would treat your best friend, with kindness and encouragement.

2 - Stop comparing yourself to others. There is always someone better looking, slimmer, more successful around. Don't forget there are others out there who would love to be like you.

3 - Spend time looking in the mirror, and work on liking what you see. Change your hairstyle, start exercising or experiment if you feel you need to make improvements to your appearance.

Learn to love yourself as you are by using Affirmations. Look yourself in the eye and say "I really love you, you're beautiful" as often every day.

4 - Accept what you can't change, and change what you can't accept about yourself. 5 - Enrich your spirit by setting aside some time every day for relaxation, deep breathing or self-healing exercises.

Yoga and meditation are the best paths to inner power and harmony. First thing in the morning and last thing at night are best.

Try breathing slowly and deeply, in through the nose and out through the mouth.

Imagine yourself inhaling bright golden light, and exhaling grey clouds of worry, sickness and problems.

Even five minutes of this will help you achieve inner harmony.

With a little bit of work on yourself, you can tap into an endless source of positive energy that will help you find Harmony, Contentment and Peace of mind.

Tell me how I can stop this


Dear Sandra,

My problem is heavy periods. Over the last two years my periods have become irregular and I frequently have flooding.

My doctor has recommended a hysterectomy but I'm afraid of surgery. I'm 43 years old.

Julie, Co Cork

Dear Julie,

This is quite a common problem at your age, as you are moving towards your pre-menopausal years. I suggest you try a herbal supplement called Agnus Castus, which has a hormone-like affect and will help stop the heavy bleeding.

Royal Jelly, preferably in liquid form and Wild Yam will help, particularly if you are experiencing symptoms such as nightsweats, bloating, confusion, agitation or irritability.

You also need a good vitamin supplement, which must contain Calcium to avoid the risk of Osteoporosis.

Try to eat a healthy diet, cutting down on caffeine, sugar and fats, and increase the amount of fruit and vegetables you eat each day.

You should notice an improvement within three to six weeks, and if you don't you should consult your doctor again.

Am I pregnant?

Dear Sandra,

I have been going out with my boyfriend for five months now. We are both 17. He is an Aries, I am Aquarius and we have had sex six times. Now my period is three weeks late and I'm afraid in case I'm pregnant.

Can you tell me if I am pregnant? If I am will my boyfriend stand by me? My parents will go mad and my boyfriend's mother hates me.

Can you tell me what's going to happen to me?

Lisa, Dublin 14.

Dear Lisa,

I'm afraid it is very possible that you might be pregnant. If you don't want to go to your family doctor, make an appointment to see a doctor in the Well Woman Clinic.

You need to have a pregnancy test and a health check, too. You will find the address of your nearest clinic in the telephone book. It is very important for you to have advice and support at this time.

But you must speak to your mother as soon as possible. Don't worry too much Lisa, your parents really love you and will stand by you.

Of course they will be shocked and upset at first, but before long they'll be excited at the prospect of a new grandchild.

Your boyfriend really cares for you but I feel he is quite young and immature for his age, and may find it very difficult to deal with the responsibility of parenthood.

Lisa, I have to say to you that having unprotected sex is very, very foolish and you are learning a hard lesson at a very young age.

If indeed you are pregnant, you will bring a very special little person into the world.

Motherhood is a magical, experience and to love and be loved by your child is the most precious thing in the world.

If you continue to have unprotected sex you run the risk of catching a sexually transmitted disease like AIDS which can kill you.