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To Stay In Control, You Have To Stay Out Of Control

To have the freedom to choose and chart your destiny, you must have tremendous power at the palm of your hand.

For this to be possible, you have to free yourself from the chains and shackles of other people’s influences. You must keep an eye on people who use others for their own selfish motives. When you do, you can be in control as long as you stay out of other people’s control.

To do this, you have to know the following:

1. Get to know the ‘control people.’ Learn who they are. It may take time to know them, but experience will be your guide.

Basically though, “control people” have negative tendencies, always concerned about themselves only. They know only one side -- their side. They can be conceited and self-centered. They hide under cloaks with daggers on hand. They come in various disguises. They may be caring on the outside, but scheming within. Remember Snow White and the old lady with the poisoned apple?

2. ‘Control people’ only have one objective: to put one over you. They will do everything they can to turn you into a puppet in their hands. Stay clear from their ploys. They can be very wily and persuasive. That’s why you have to be alert at most times. Control people do not follow rules. When you think or feel that you are sinking into their trap, grab a hold on something early on. Should you sink into one deep enough, the lesson you learn will make you wiser the next time.

3. ‘Control people’ are actually weak people. They seem to be smart but they aren’t. They only act smart. They have to; otherwise, no one is going to believe them. Only the weak ones will succumb to their flimsy excuses. They show their strengths but hide their weaknesses.

4. If you are not aware of it, there is a ‘control people’ in each of us. A certain level of selfishness within us helps to keep our motivations and aspirations on fire. One of the differences between the good people and the bad is the level of selfishness within. Good people keep this level low.

On the one hand, control people become such because they may have been victims of other ‘control people.’ Due to past experiences, they become ‘control people themselves. They may be acting against their will, which may be beyond their control. Understand them, but do so with caution. Others may be hardened, tempered, die-hard ‘control people;’ they simply enjoy the journey of being such. Beware of them.

Beware of control people! The right attitude is to BE AWARE.

Be aware that there are control people and do not be afraid of them. You cannot run away from them completely. The more you run, the more they will chase you.

Face them with courage and wisdom. Be wise against their ways. There is no other choice but to live with them. Check out who is in control of your wheel.